Women's Retreat

Release, Receive, and Rise!

"As you transform yourself,

you transform the world."

~ Anodea Judith

Punta Uva, caribbean Costa Rica

14 - 20 December 2023

A Transformational Trauma Healing Retreat Designed For Women Who Serve...

their Country, their Communities, their Families.

You've been on the frontlines, leading and making sacrifices. But are unresolved wounds holding you back from the greater mission you feel called to?

If you are a woman who...

  • Feels Called to Serve at a Higher Level You're ready to amplify your impact but need to refuel your spirit first.

  • Seeks Healing from Past Trauma and Limiting Patterns Our retreat offers a safe space for healing and transformation.

  • Desires to Align Life with Your Soul's Purpose Discover how to live a life that is deeply fulfilling and aligned with your truest self!

But you feel held back because you are...

  • Struggling with exhaustion, frustration, and both physical and psychological pain from trying to do it all for everyone else --with no time for yourself.

  • Finding yourself short-tempered with those you love, or feeling distant and disconnected.

  • So busy serving your family, your community, or your country that you've lost sight of how to recharge your own batteries.

Imagine being able to access your FULL energy & vitality

so that you can live a life that is

If you have sacrificed your own needs in service to others, and are searching for ways to fill your cup... then this retreat is designed for you!

I know its possible, because I'VE BEEN THERE!

Embark on a transformative journey to heal your past and unlock your future. Our retreat helps you harness your inherent leadership qualities, converting your past experiences into a catalyst for impactful, purpose-driven service.

The Experience:

Daily Transformational Immersions

Each day will have a guiding theme, featuring transformational experiences for mind, body and soul. In order to support the art of surrendering, we are sharing main events for each day, but also planning more incredible activities you will learn about upon arrival.

Honor Your Boundaries

To prepare to dive deep, get vulnerable, and stretch your edges, we begin by exploring boundaries to create a sanctuary of safety within and around us.

Featured Immersion: Consent & Honoring Your Boundaries Workshop (Creating a Safe Container for Unsafe Conversations)

Honor Your Intentions

Why are you here? Get clear on what you're committed to letting go of, and what you're welcoming in—both for yourself and for the collective. Set your compass for the journey ahead!

Featured Immersion: Honoring our Indigenous Ancestors and welcoming the indigenous people of this land with a heart-opening BriBri-led Cacao Ceremony with song and stories.

Honor Your Needs

Lean into loving yourself unconditionally. Learn the art of listening to and identifying your own needs. Because self-care isn't selfish—it's essential.

Featured Immersion: Cyclical Calendaring, where we will dive deep into your unique biorhythms, and how you can create a life that makes time for rest, nourishment, and expression for your body, heart, mind, and spirit.

Honor Your Breath

Breath is life. Today, we integrate all that we've learned and experienced so far through the power of mindful breathing.

Featured Immersions: Qi Gong & Breathwork. Transmuting breath to voice and giving voice to whatever we’ve held back – even our Holy Rage.

Honor Your Inspiration

Ignite the spark within you. Tap into what fuels your soul, whether your inspiration comes from God/the Divine/the Universe, from nature or the arts, or from Humanity. Learn how to channel that energy into actionable steps that bring you closer to your dreams.

Featured Immersion: We will practice authentic movement, activate the beautiful life force energy that lives within us, and explore Feminine Wisdom practices.

Honor Your Purpose

Explore how you can discover and commit to your aligned purpose so that work becomes a joyful expression of your unique gifts. Unearth your 'Why' and let it guide you.

Featured Immersion: We will travel together on a Soul Purpose Alignment Journey, and you will be supported to discover the unique North Star that guides your embodied path forward.

Honor Your Path

Step forward in trust and continue to Do The Work!

As we wrap up our transformative week, take a moment to honor the path you're on. Step forward in trust, armed with the tools and insights to continue your journey.

“Abi has brought to bear her organizational skills, experience as a mindfulness coach, and a desire to facilitate conditions promoting self-care for others to create an impressive program. Her thoughtfully curated activities, many conducted in partnership by her local network of mindfulness and wellness practitioners, translated to a transformational week of reflection, empowerment, growth, and yes, relaxation. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a more deliberate and focused mindfulness experience beyond a general yoga retreat.
Thank you again, Abi!”

~Melissa J.

Immersive Daily Experiences

Each day will have a guiding theme, featuring transformational experiences for mind, body and soul. In order to support the art of surrendering, we are sharing main events for each day, but also planning more incredible activities you will learn about upon arrival.

Honor Your Boundaries

To prepare to dive deep, get vulnerable, and stretch your edges, we begin by exploring boundaries to create a sanctuary of safety within and around us.

Featured Immersion: Consent & Honoring Your Boundaries Workshop (Creating a Safe Container for Unsafe Conversations)

Honor Your Intentions

Why are you here? Get clear on what you're committed to letting go of, and what you're welcoming in—both for yourself and for the collective. Set your compass for the journey ahead with intention setting to creating space.

Featured Immersion: Honoring our Indigenous Ancestors and welcoming the indigenous people of this land with a heart-opening BriBri-led Cacao Ceremony with song and stories.

Honor Your Needs

Lean into loving yourself unconditionally. Learn the art of identifying and communicating your needs and practice listening to and identifying your own needs. Because self-care isn't selfish—it's essential.

Featured Immersion: Cyclical Calendaring to best utilize the power of a woman’s hormonal cycles, plus Restorative Yoga Nidra practice to end the evening.

Honor Your Breath

Breath is life. Today, we integrate all that we've learned and experienced so far through the power of mindful breathing.

Featured Immersion: Qi Gong. Breathwork. Transmuting breath to voice and giving voice to whatever we’ve held back – even our Holy Rage.

Honor Your Inspiration

Ignite the spark within you. Tap into what fuels your soul, whether your inspiration comes from God/the Divine/the Universe, from nature or the arts, or from Humanity. Learn how to channel that energy into actionable steps that bring you closer to your dreams.

Featured Immersion: We will practice authentic movement, activate the beautiful life force energy that lives within us, and explore Feminine Wisdom practices.

Honor Your Purpose

Explore how you can discover and commit to your aligned purpose so that work becomes a joyful expression of your unique gifts. Unearth your 'Why' and let it guide you.

Featured Immersion: We will travel together on a Soul Purpose Alignment Journey, and you will be supported to discover the unique North Star that guides your embodied path forward.

Honor Your Path

Step forward in trust and continue to Do The Work!

As we wrap up our transformative week, take a moment to honor the path you're on. Step forward in trust, armed with the tools and insights to continue your journey.

Are You Ready


Unlock Your Innate Capacity for World-Changing Impact


Transform Your Trauma into Aligned, Purpose-Driven Service

If you're ready to dive deep (even when its hard), push your boundaries, test your edges, get vulnerable, and shed some layers in order to uncover your own deeper truths? Then read on!

There will be rest and there will be joy... AND this retreat offers lessons for the trenches. Leaning into loving yourself unconditionally and honoring your purpose, while learning how to rejuvenate yourself through rest and play so that you can sustain your Warrior-Goddess Spirit through the trials and agonies of life. Committing to your aligned purpose so that work becomes a joyful expression of your unique gifts.

But, if you are only looking for a couple of yoga classes and a beach...

Then this retreat is NOT for you!

“Honestly, If you're looking for a life-changing wellness journey led by someone truly awe-inspiring, Abi's your go-to. What's amazing about Abi is her knack for creating a welcoming, judgment-free zone. I've spilled my guts, cried, been anxious, and she's made it feel like the most natural thing in the world. I can't thank her enough for the incredible impact she's had on my life.” 

~Vanessa R.

Images from our last retreat

The Impact:

Looking Back at Our Last Retreat

Nestled in the Costa Rican Jungle, steps from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world!

You'll experience...

• 7 Days & 6 Nights Accommodations in a gorgeous luxury retreat center

• Lovingly prepared vegetarian meals each day - Locally-sourced & almost all organic

• A preparatory Group Introduction & Q&A over Zoom (approximately 2 weeks prior to your retreat) - meet your new best friends and ask ALL the questions!

• Transformative Workshops- learn new tools to aid you to live into your highest purpose, recover from exhaustion, and step into vibrance!

• Mindful Movement Mornings - Connect with your body and your breath. Learn different modalities, find what resonates!

• Meditation evenings - Learn different ways to access a meditative state and the embodiment that it brings.


• One complimentary follow-up Group Integration Coaching session (approximately one week after) - you WILL be supported!

• One complimentary follow-up Individual Integration Coaching Session to ensure that you are able to integrate your new paradigm - even after returning to the reality of your life!

• A massage or bodywork treatment.

Allow healing hands to relieve stress and tension!

• An invitation to subscribe to an ongoing support circle membership, so that you can continue to deepen your new learnings - and your new friendships!

What You'll Leave With:

A deeper sense of self-worth and self-love

Clarity around YOUR unique purpose

Improved Communication Skills

Tools to regain Equanimity / Sense of Calm when faced with challenges

New practices from which to create YOUR morning and evening healthy rituals

Meditation techniques -- use what works for you, let go of what doesn't!

A new sisterhood of like-minded women who "get it."

Healthier boundaries!

What's Not Included

Airfare to Costa Rica

Travel Insurance

Any required COVID testing

Local Flights/Transportation

Additional activities or excursions

Snacks/Alcohol/Additional Beverages

Are you ready to transcend limitations and step into a life of aligned, impactful service?

Questions? Schedule a free consultation here, or send an email to

“...this retreat was a great way to connect with enough group activities and kind people to feel included. It [was] set up in a way that fostered inclusion and real intimacy.”


Statement on Inclusion

This retreat is designed for those who identify as women, and/or resonate with feminine archetypes. If you identify as male, I invite you to explore my offerings geared towards men.

We welcome you in your wholeness, no matter your age, size, fitness level, or "conformity" with societal norms. We honor you regardless of your social class, ethnicity, political party, gender identity, sexual orientation, or choice to exempt yourself from any/all of these. We DO require those who attend to treat each other with kindness and respect as fellow humans, no matter what your personal views or judgments may be.

This is truly an intimate experience and there is limited space available.

If you are interested in attending, please reserve soon!

The experience will include multiple deep dives into tools and techniques for self-inquiry, growth, connection, and healing -- and the opportunity to explore what works for you. I know that you will get something out of every single workshop and class. What I hope is that one or two feel like "home" and become practices that you return to daily or in times of stress, and that you leave inspired not just to "do the work", but to Be The Work.

Because one week is not a cure. One week is only a beginning. You will leave with the resources and connections to dive deeper into practices that you choose to explore further. The work is yours to continue, with more tools in your kit, and more support at your sides and at your back.

The Retreat Family:

We are here to Serve

Who is leading this retreat?

Hi, I'm Abi! I'm a 25-year Air Force veteran who spent years figuring out how to honor my own needs so that I could serve others from a loving, whole, and authentic place.

I'm now a Trauma-Informed Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and my MAGIC (and joy) comes from holding deep, loving, and authentic space for transformation. I'm also a Reiki Master & Energy Healer and a Meditation Guide.

Since you might not want to take years to figure out what modalities help YOU to ground, center, and come back to a place of alignment... this retreat will offer an intentional, meaningful, carefully-paced opportunity to experience healing journeys, sample different modalities of movement and meditation, and develop your own rituals and practices that will support you as you reintegrate into your "real life"-- AND empower you to re-shape your life in greater harmony!

Choose Your Bodywork Bonus

Your retreat will include one session with practitioners that I know, love, trust, and have worked with personally. Based on availability and our initial consultation, you will get to work with one of the following:

Dr. Kevin is a surgeon, OG/GYN, and a holistic healer on the side. He offers lymphatic drainage massage, craniosacral therapy, energy work, and sound healing. His sessions are magical! I personally see him every 2 weeks.

Issa is a powerful energy healer who offers craniosacral, Thai massage, and optional entheogenic healing.

Tea, "the Sacred Technician," is a shamanic healer who blends energy work, sound therapy, and intuitive guidance with her training in Thai and traditional massage techniques.

Additionally, you will experience beautiful healing modalities offered by myself and dear friends including Kundalini Activation Process, Yoni Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Shamanic rituals including a Sound Healing journey and an indigenous community-led Cacao (chocolate) Ceremony.

The Venue:

Our Private Luxury Oasis

Casa Mona is nestled in pristine jungle with all the amenities you could dream of. You'll have a chance to unplug, relax and feel safe in our private retreat center made with your experience in mind. Only steps away from Playa Grande Beach and minutes from 5 different beaches, this location has it all!

The Food:

High Vibrational Cuisine

The incredible cuisine will include the freshest ingredients present in the territory in collaboration with different local farmers -- including the indigenous people of the community of Bribri, who have been cultivating healing foods in these mountains for generations with deep respect for the environment. Close your eyes and imagine the crunch of the freshest vegetables, the aroma of home-grown herbs, the sweetness of local tropical fruits, and the brightness of chili and citrus. Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options will be plentiful.

The Location:

Costa Rica's Most Beautiful Beaches

Start your day with a walk to the beach to watch the sun rising over the Caribbean Sea, end it with your toes in the sand as the sun dips down over Playa Grande Beach in Punta Uva. Punta Uva is tucked away enough to bring total peace, but nestled just 10 minutes away from Puerto Viejo- for all of your tourist desires.

Optional Photoshoot Upgrade

Very Special Upgrade: Mini Photoshoot with the amazing Flavia Villalba, creatrix of Hestia Photo Experience! Only $222 for a 30 minute photoshoot that includes your choice of 12 photos. Flavia is an amazing photographer. I HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of this option! Let your inner light shine, and capture the beautiful moments as you OWN YOUR WARRIOR-GODDESS SPIRIT!

*If you book with a friend (or refer a friend who books), both of you will receive a photoshoot for FREE!!!! ($222 value each)

The Investment:

We Promise to Work With You!

Prices include 6 nights and 7 days, with luxury lodging, private chef-prepared meals, a healing massage/bodywork session, retreat materials and activities, a pre-retreat preparation call, and post-retreat integration sessions. See below for additional details!

If you feel called to join us, please don’t hold back due to finances. We have flexible payment plans available, as well as limited scholarships.


We will comply with any applicable Costa Rican requirements. We have all had access to vaccination. I chose to get vaccinated and boosted, and I respect whatever choice you made. I will not be teaching in a mask (unless I am feeling unwell, in which case I will absolutely wear one). I trust and respect each of you to make conscious, compassionate choices to wear one or not, to your comfort level -- while taking into consideration your own health and the health of those around you. - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions